Expansions and Variants
Once you've bested Baron Blade, Citizen Dawn, Omnitron, and Grand Warlord Voss, there are more challenges awaiting you!
Sentinels of the Multiverse also contains many unlockable Variant Cards for heroes and villains giving you new teammates to take into battle and new twists on old challenges.
Magical Mysteries Mini-Pack
Explore the supernatural side of Earth-Prime! Bolster the Freedom League with a ghost of the American Revolution and the world's Master Mage. You'll need them to face a sinister adept of the arcane arts and survive a mysterious realm beneath the surface. Get the Magical Mysteries Mini-Pack here on Steam, or via In App Purchase on mobile.
A new variant becomes available to unlock every week in Sentinels of Earth-Prime! Visit the event page for more.
Explore the many expansions available now and coming soon for Sentinels of the Multiverse.
Having trouble working out those Variant unlock conditions? A true hero knows when to seek help. Check out the Variant files for details on how to unlock Variants for yourself.