Sentinels of Earth-Prime is a cooperative card game that recreates the pulse pounding action of superhero comics. It uses the rules of the hit game Sentinels of the Multiverse and the setting and characters of the critically acclaimed Mutants & Masterminds roleplaying game. Handelabra Games has partnered with Green Ronin to bring this all-new card game to the digital tabletop, and you can help, in more ways than one!
We’re excited to continue to expand the multiverse of Sentinels Digital with this brand new digital tabletop game. But even more exciting - just like on the tabletop, Sentinels of Earth-Prime will be cross compatible with your existing Sentinels of the Multiverse content! Whatever content you have on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or Steam system will be available to both games!
Available Now!
Magical Mysteries Mini-Pack
Explore the supernatural side of Earth-Prime! Bolster the Freedom League with a ghost of the American Revolution and the world's Master Mage. You'll need them to face a sinister adept of the arcane arts and survive a mysterious realm beneath the surface. Get the Magical Mysteries Mini-Pack here on Steam, or via In App Purchase on mobile.