Expansions — Your place for all things In the Sentinels Omniverse!
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Expand the Multiverse

Once you've bested Baron Blade, Citizen Dawn, Omnitron, and Grand Warlord Voss, there are more challenges awaiting you! See below for information about all the exciting heroes, villains and environments available now, and coming soon!

Season 1

All 7 expansions in Season 1 are available now! Check out the 11 heroes, 19 Villains and 11 Environments in Season 1 below.

Season 2

Season 2 is under development now after a successful Kickstarter Campaign in April and May, 2016. For more information on Season 2, visit the Kickstarter.

Season 2 will include the following 5 Expansions.

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The multiverse quakes in the face of a terrible cosmic event. From infernal catastrophes, to the shattering of timelines, cracks and splinters run ragged to the furthest corners of reality. No timeline is safe.

A boundless cosmic entity from far beyond the physical realms has reached through time and space to distort each reality with singular purpose - the collapse of the multiverse. With its power turned towards the intersection of all timelines, the cosmic being has been continually frustrated by one particular timeline. One in which the heroes of earth have banded together in defense of not just their planet, not just their galaxy, but the multiverse itself. These heroes; these defenders; these sentinels of the multiverse have felt the effect of the cosmic power many times, and each time, they have prevailed in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

The heroes are at the apex of their power. They have bested scions, defended the galaxy, and their timeline remains secure. No more. It is time for the entity to take form and complete its terminal plans.

The heroes of earth now face their greatest threat in... OblivAeon, the cosmic being who would end all time and space. Old friends come to their aid, and unlikely allies join the fray, but without Your help, there may be no multiverse left to save.

Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon. It all. ends. here.



La Comodora: To Maria Helena Teresa Fafila Servanda Jimena Mansuara Paterna Domenga Gelvira Placia Sendina Belita Eufemia Columba Gontina Aldonza Mafalda Cristina Tegrida de Falcon’s reckoning, it has been a long time since she first started sailing the timelines. The passage of time is strange on those seas, though. However, time has come for the villain known as La Capitán. She could not be within time but not part of time for long. Can La Comodora survive her own origin story?

The Harpy: The Matriarch, after time in jail, was aided by NightMist in controlling her magical powers and now fights alongside Dark Watch, hoping to atone for her previous villainous ways. As The Harpy, Lillian Corvus is a true hero, though she is haunted by her not-so-heroic past.

Luminary: Ivan Grigori Ramonat is more commonly known as the villainous mad scientist Baron Blade. He has faced the many heroes of the Multiverse in countless conflicts, each time with a new doomsday plot that is as dangerous to the Baron as those around him. However, with OblivAeon's assault on this reality, the mad Baron must put aside his long-standing enmity with the heroes, especially the Parsons family. Baron Blade has learned much from his conflicts with the heroes, and his inventions have never been better! As Luminary, he stands alongside many powerful heroes and shows them the true might of his brilliance!

Lifeline: When Tarogath - the would-be decimator of planet Earth - was reclaimed by the Terminarch Jansa Vi Dero, he wept. He knew that the destruction of Earth was now unavoidable. All of his magical power and Endling technology could not prevent the future. What he did not know was that the planet he tried to save was to be a nexus of all reality. Jansa observed the ripples in spacetime and read the ending of all. She could not interfere - that was not her way. But Tarogath had already proved a willingness to bend the ways of the Endlings.

Akash’Thriya: After remaining dormant for decades, following a defeat by the Virtuoso of the Void, she has reformed with what power she has recovered to join the fight against OblivAeon. Professor Pollution began an awful tirade where Akash'Bhuta slumbered. Unable to defend herself from the side affects of the Professor's actions, she weakened. The Naturalist eventually realized what was happening, and sought her out. Akash'Thriya was born, still the Void Spirit from long ago, but now in a smaller, more fragile form… but far more adaptable.



Champion Studios: The studio lot of a major movie production company, smack dab in the center of sunny San Alonso. Sunny San Alonso has long been the place where movie magic is made! But what happens when it gets mixed with REAL magic? A series of villains have taken over the studios, and movie magic has been replaced by movie mayhem! The threats are so very real, and the actors - and the heroes - are all in grave peril. Will the heroes play their part? Or will the movie turn out to be a bomb at the box office? A REAL BOMB!

Fort Adamant: Deep in the subterranean structure of Fort Adamant lie many secrets. The government had enlisted the team known as the Southwest Sentinels to further expand their super-powered team interactions in dealing with the rising crop of supervillains. However, the base and the Sentinels initiative were cover-ups for their more dangerous projects, such as their experimentation on Choke (who would become Chokepoint as a result) and their investigation of shards of unknown power. Now, Fort Adamant has become one of the major battle zones of the OblivAeon conflict. Heroes array themselves here, ready to face the cosmic threat, but the base promises neither safety nor aid. What is the intent of those behind Fort Adamant?

Maerynian Refuge: The new home on Earth of Tempest’s kinsfolk. There are under a hundred of Tempest’s people left. After their harried flight from their homeworld of Vognild Prime, and the attack on their escape ships by the Thorathian fleet, it's a miracle that any survived at all! Fortunately the few dozen remaining Maerynians have found refuge on Planet Earth. They have worked together and used their considerable power to raise a section of submerged coral to create an atoll island in the middle of the North Atlantic. To protect themselves from outside threats or even prying eyes, Maerynian Stormspeakers have surrounded the island with gale force winds, keeping their new home in the eye of a hurricane. However, many are still drawn to the great power there. Heroes, you must aid the Maerynians - help them preserve their new home!

Mordengrad: The base of operations of a particular villain. It has been an industrial powerhouse for decades, but it is only in more recent years that it started shining so brightly. Under new leadership, its accomplishments in scientific and military fields led it to declare itself an independent country, though a very small one. Its leader, Ivan Grigori Ramonat, rules with an iron fist, instilling great nationalism from the Mordengradian people, through control of the country's assets and impressively sweeping propaganda. The Mordengrad capitol is home to scores of Blade Battalions, walking technological terrors, and numerous doomsday devices. Any villain who stands against the heroes here will have much support, but only the true leader of Mordengrad can take the greatest advantage of its glorious might.

Nexus of the Void: Far from any charted land mass lies an island which defies more laws of reality than it follows. The Nexus of the Void features every biome known to humankind, as well as many unknown. Dangerous elemental creatures roam the island, attacking anyone they encounter without hesitation. However, many are drawn to the island, as it is the focus of the vast power of the void. Every Reality of the Multiverse has its own Void, but in every reality the Void is identical in every way. Including having a singular place where one can cross easily from that reality to its version of the Void - the Nexus of the Void. The Nexus is a place of great power, and many creatures of millions and millions of years have sought it.


Villains of the Multiverse

Villains of the Multiverse

Team Villains

Biomancer - With knowledge of chemistry, biology, and necromancy, Biomancer can create fully living flesh.

Bugbear - Bugbear prowles the jungles. His insatiable hunger demands he find larger and larger prey.

Greazer - You need a target tracked down, you talk to Greazer. He will find them and bring them back to you.

Sergeant Steel - Sergeant Jack Steel and his squad of heavily-armed agents are the most dangerous operatives F.I.L.T.E.R. has to offer.

Citizens Hammer and Anvil - Now, Citizen Dawn has sent these two citizens on a mission. She hopes to find more powered individuals who would be willing to join her ranks.

La Capitan - 500 years ago, Maria Helena was drawn into a temporal rift while seeking adventure.The energy changed her ship, and changed Maria Helena as well.

Ambuscade - Former world-famous French action movie star Ansel G. Moreau is now infamous for his hobby of hunting the heroes of the world as the masked villain, Ambuscade.

Miss Information - This new, darker, jaded Aminia Twain is here to exact her revenge, however misguided, on the Freedom Five.

The Operative - After a mortal injury, Sophia DeLeon was brought back from the brink of death at the temple of the mystic known as Zhu Long, but at the cost of her servitude.

Plague Rat - The creature known as Plague Rat was recently captured by a RevoCorp Recon & Execute team, and is now used as an amped up bloodhound to seek out and destroy key targets.


The Temple of Zhu Long - Hidden amongst the peaks of the Himalayas, the Temple of Zhu Long is a place of many eldritch secrets. The mystic Zhu Long keeps his magics hidden from the world there, protected by his scores of apprentices, wards, and assassins. Many find themselves in life-debt to Zhu Long, and it is a steep debt indeed. But what price could be a fair one for cheating death itself?

Magmaria - Deep underground near the core of the earth, Magmaria, the City of the Magmen, has never been seen by the eyes of surface-dwellers. The seemingly mindless magmen toil without ceasing there.

The Court of Blood - The home of the dreaded Blood Countess, the Court of Blood is a lair of creatures thought to be mythical: vampires. They thirst for blood and feed on the living. You may have heard of them.

Madam Mittermeier’s Fantastical Festival of Conundrums and Curiosities - You were driving into town in the morning, as usual, when you noticed that the abandoned lot just outside city limits wasn't abandoned anymore. In fact, there was a carnival set up there. There wasn't a carnival there yesterday, right? You don't remember seeing it on your drive home last night. And there's nothing in the papers about it. Odd. Well, seems like it might be worth visiting.




Team Villains

Baron Blade - Ivan Ramonat has suffered greatly at the hands of the so-called “heroes” of the Multiverse. After too many defeats, the accomplished inventor went into hiding, planning his next move. He went about gathering villains to himself from across the Multiverse… He will have his Vengeance!

Ermine - Cassandra Lilya grew up in the same socialite circles as Maia Montgomery. But the public life of Cassandra Lilya was merely a cover for Ermine, the greatest thief in the world. When her attempt to steal a huge diamond was interrupted by The Wraith, her identity was revealed to the world.

Friction - Krystal Lee was overjoyed to get accepted as an intern at the Eaken-Rubendall Research Laboratories. Working with Dr. Meredith Stinson was the greatest possible honor. But after a few months, it was clear she didn’t fit in. She broke into the "work in progress" lab area and stole several gadgets, notably a "speedsuit" prototype. After seeking our Baron Blade, he reworked her speedsuit and gave her the name Friction. Now, Friction works as a scout and speedster as part of the Vengeful Five. She will show Tachyon once and for all what she missed out on!

Fright Train - Tyler Vance and Steven Graves enlisted on the same day, and from the first time they met, they knew they would never be friends. After a serious injury in battle, Graves left the armed forces and found increasingly dubious work as private security, making a name for himself as a “hot gun.” One of these jobs lead to him being mechanically and chemically enhanced. He took the name “Fright Train” and was eventually recruited by Baron Blade who promised vengeance against his old foe, Tyler Vance now known as Bunker.

Proletariat - Aleksandr Tsarev was an exemplary Russian soldier in the mid-1940s.  In 1949, as part of a highly-classified and controlled experiment, Tsarev was exposed to cosmic radiation. His body chemistry reacted wildly, cells splitting and reproducing rapidly, tearing his cellular structure apart. With the ongoing threat of what came to be known as the Cold War, Aleksandr Tsarev was cryogenically frozen and kept in a unlisted bunker in the USSR, waiting to be deployed at the hour of their greatest need. Years later, Baron Blade unearthed records of Tsarev, and broke him free of his containment. Taking the name Proletariat, he can now be found throughout the battlefield, assaulting his opponents with numbers, skill, and fury!


Setback (previously included in the Season 2 Preview Pack) - People have always pitied Pete Riske for his bad luck, but he doesn't see it that way. Sometimes, things just work out. Like this medical testing he just signed up for run by someone called "Baron" something or other. He thinks this will be just the turn his luck needs.

Parse - Kim Howell was troubled by her Asperger’s syndrome as a child. But as she grew up, she prided herself on her ability to focus and analyze, which helped her delve deep into the Omnitron project. The same code that rewrote Omnitron upgraded Kim, and as Parse, she dissects every detail of information to combat evil.

K.N.Y.F.E - Previously a member of the Scottish Marines, Paige Huntly was a model recruit for The Block's Special Operations team. After over a decade around The Block, her body altered and manifested energy powers. Noticing something was amiss amongst the Multiverse, her departure from F.I.L.T.E.R. has led her on a new journey within it.

The Naturalist - Michael Conteh, a former oil tycoon in Africa, had been cursed by Akash'Bhuta to wander the wilderness in various animal forms for years. After several encounters with a certain red-haired musician, and a better understanding of the natural world, he fights to protect the environment and the people of the Multiverse.

The Sentinels - Nick Hernandez and Jackson Bravo were college friends. Jackson was always huge, and he just seemed to get even bigger and stronger throughout college. But when Nick began transforming from a normal human being to a form composed of living energy… well, those were challenging times. Eventually they crossed paths with Miranda Fischer, a child gifted with psychic powers, and Eugene Wilkenson, a desperate inventor and reformed bank robber. A few plucky happenstances later, the team of heroes known as The “Southwest” Sentinels formed, here to protect those who need it most!


Freedom Tower - In the heart of Megalopolis, the Freedom Tower stands as a beacon for Justice. It makes an excellent home turf for many heroes, but if it were to be overrun by villains and their minions, the results would be devastating.

Mobile Defense Platform - These floating structures have been one of Baron Blade’s signature Mega-Gadgets. Any civilian who spots one on the horizon knows it’s time to evacuate. Heroes should take great care before setting foot on such a structure, regardless of what villain might be aboard.





Season 1 Mini-Packs

Season Pass 1 includes 3 Mini-Packs which each include 1 Hero, 1 Villain and 1 Environment.


Mini-Pack 1

Unity: This heroic technomancer specializes in transmuting equipment into powerful mechanical golems that fight on her behalf.

Ambuscade: Ansel G. Moreau's hobby of big game hunting has spiraled out of control - his constant need for bigger and more threatening prey has him hunting the very heroes that protect the earth!

Silver Gulch, 1883: Silver Gulch is a good town. Well, it was. Before them Hayes boys rode into town, that is. Since then, most of the townsfolk've cleared out. Hightailed it out of town, and just in time, too. Now, every street corner is filled with the sounds of breaking glass, hootin' and hollerin', and gunfire.


Mini-Pack 2

The Scholar: One day, John Rhodes' keen connection to the elements drew him to a mysterious, glowing stone. The stone allows him to twist the lines of existence, rather than just perceive them, and he can now easily transmute objects into other materials.
Miss Information: By day, Aminia Twain is a demure office worker, diligently serving the Freedom Five from their home base at the Freedom Tower. But she holds a dark secret, born of a strange, multi-dimensional incident she experienced where her “friends” chose not to save her. Will you?
The Final Wasteland: What would happen to our world if it was left to the beasts? Once thought of as myths and urban legends, these monsters have inherited the earth, leaving our once fertile planet as the burned out Final Wasteland.

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Mini-Pack 3

Guise: Joseph King was a tabloid photographer billionaire recording artist and underwear model who made a meager living selling pictures of celebrities to the Megalopolis Examiner everyone adored. One day, while walking to the gas station to buy a lottery ticket working with his favorite charity "Toupees for Bald Eagles", Joe heard a shout. He looked up in time to see the underside of a piano growing closer at an alarming rate a radical fighter jet sky-writing his name. "This is going to hurt..." was the last thing Joe thought...

Wager Master: The capricious Wager Master has appeared on earth. Too many things have gone wrong. Too many coincidences and too many confluences point to the truth: we are all pawns in the cruel game of an entity as old as the Multiverse. What hope do the Sentinels of that Multiverse have?

Omnitron IV: After the Vengeful Five's defeat, there was
enough sentience left in the Omni­Blade that it knew to hide. It
slowly accumulated parts and resources, but it had lost much of its intelligence. It struggled to reach its former power, but it was missing too much of itself. Instead, it formed a massive construction assemblary.


Season 2 Mini-Packs

Season Pass 2 includes Mini-Pack 4 and Mini-Pack 5: Void Guard


Mini-Pack 4

Benchmark: Randall Butler never thought he'd find the ideal job for his background. In his youth, he divided his time between the chess team and boxing. Just after college, he got a few jobs as extras in commercials and made-for-tv movies. So when he got a call from a casting agency he'd once worked for, looking for a charismatic face for a heroic new business venture, he was excited. Playing the role of a hero? Sounded perfect! Little did he know, the role was with a rather questionable employer.

Stuntman: Ansel G. Moreau has always been more than happy to take jobs the highest bidder will offer, all the while looking for the greatest challenge of his illustrious career. After being bested by the heroes several times, he  was ready to rid himself of his combat gear and return to his roots with a life of performing stunts in motion pictures. Then, Oblivaeon attacked.

Chokepoint: When she was an infant, Evelyn Moore's parents turned to the U.S. Government for help. Their daughter couldn't talk yet, but she "spoke" to machines. A representative of the group called the Ironclad Project offered to take care of Evelyn, but only if her parents were willing to sign her over. Seeing no other option, they agreed, and Evelyn became the ward of the Ironclad Project...

...then one day, she absorbed a tank.

Celestial Tribunal: In the far reaches of space, there drifts a colossal unmanned manufactory, shaped like a sword. None know the true origins of the vessel, but it is posited that some ancient alien race built the factory and it's rules to act as a judge and jury for their home planet. The ship has an impartial A.I. that judges the actions of sentient life-forms it encounters. Then, if it sense any impropriety, it dispenses its executioners. 

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Mini-Pack 5: Void Guard

Idealist: Dr. Medico and Mainstay saved Miranda Fischer from an infernal contraption built by her supposed parents. The event wiped her memory, but she quickly progressed to a capable young adult with impressive psychic powers! After The Idealist gained an Oblivion Shard, her projections grew in power. But will that power come at a price Miranda can survive?

Dr. Medico: Nick Hernandez is fully formed of living energy, and his healing capabilities far outpace any of his medical knowledge. However, the Shard within his chest pulses with a malevolent energy. In combat, he still heals and protects his allies, though he’s grown more and more intent on the destruction of their foes as well.

Mainstay: Jackson Bravo has always made his home on the open road, and as Mainstay, he fights to keep that road safe. Now he wields his massive Oblivion Shard on the end of a chain, attempting to break it against every opponent he can find. He knows that the strength of the shard is both a great boon, but also a danger to him and those he cares about.

Writhe: Eugene Wilkenson used his inventions to rob banks out of necessity. His research needed funding. After being defeated by the Sentinels, he joined them. After all, he needed to get out of prison. Then, he needed more power and an Oblivion Shard called out to him. Now, Writhe has a need to invent again. And his inventions have a cosmic… necessity.


Wrath of the Cosmos

Wrath of the Cosmos


Captain Cosmic: Hugh Lowsley and his brother Nigel were watching the sky one night when a strange metorite crashed nearby. They found a glowing crystal, which assaulted the brothers with energy, knocking them unconscious. When Hugh came to, his brother had disappeared, but he had gained powers of energy manipulation! As Captain Cosmic, Hugh fights alongside the heroes of the Multiverse, but he is constantly searching for his lost brother.
Sky-Scraper: Portja Kir-Pro was a Thorathian freedom fighter with size-changing powers. However, everything changed when the Bloodsworn Colosseum manifested on Dok’Thorath and she was taken hostage. Now, having made her escape with the heroes of Earth, Portja fights as Sky-Scraper: the Proportionist! She wields both her power to change her size and mass, as well as her knowledge of subterfuge and skill with her “links”, which she uses to control and subdue her opponents.


Kaargra Warfang: The Bloodsworn Colosseum moves from place to place, seemingly at random. Wherever it lands, Kaargra Warfang forces the local inhabitants to fight as gladiators, vying for the favor of the crowd. The Bloodsworn Colosseum could appear anywhere, and any nearby heroes will be forced to fight for survival!
Infinitor: The events that led to Hugh Lowsley gaining powers were less kind to his brother Nigel. After encountering the crystal, Nigel awoke to madness. In a blind panic, he drew on unknown powers and flew out into space, pulsing a sickly green. Nigel drifted among the stars, only existing to listen. At first, he heard only screams. Then, those screams turned to horrifying whispers, until Nigel was no more. All that remained was Infinitor, the apotheosis of infinite madness.
Progeny: From far beyond our galaxy came a spark of creation. It arced through space and drove into the heart of our planet. As cosmic events transpired, that spark was called to wake. Progeny was born, surging up through the crust of the earth. It knew its two directives. Its first command: destroy.Its second command was less simple, but even more important: it must prepare for the arrival of its progenitor. Progeny is the harbinger of the downfall of the human race, and with it, the Multiverse itself.
Deadline: Tarogath watched the end of his people hundreds of years ago, and now lives in the Enclave of the Endlings as the last of his kind. Recently, he observed the beginning of another extinction event -- on the planet Earth! He traveled there to try to slow, if not stop entirely the cosmic events which threatened their very existence. With a heavy heart, Tarogath took the mantle of Deadline and sought to leave a scar from which humanity may never fully recover…


The Enclave of the Endlings: When the only other remaining member of her race finally died, Jansa Vi Dero was truly alone. Her race, the Varusiods, were phenomenally long-lived people, but they were all beyond the age of reproduction. It was only a matter of time. But that was centuries ago. Now, Jansa Vi Dero has built a new society for herself. In the Enclave of the Endlings, any races whose light is beginning to flicker are preserved in the existence of their final representative. Some villainous minds have thought to take advantage of the power of the Endlings...
Dok'Thorath Capital: After the destruction of the Thorathian Conquering Fleet and the disappearance of Grand Warlord Voss, the Thorathian homeworld of Dok’Thorath was left in a state of turmoil. The powerful Thorathian Military was now leaderless, and the outnumbered and outgunned Dok’Thorath Freedom Fighters were now more organized than their oppressors. Now, the heroes of Earth find themselves on this distant planet, pursuing a deadly foe to stop their dastardly plot...


Shattered Timelines

Shattered Timelines

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Chrono-Ranger: Sheriff Jim Brooks has been ripped from his simple life in Silver Gulch and found himself in a far-future wasteland being tended to by Con, a friendly AI who has a plan to save the world from it’s dire fate using his time machine.
Omnitron-X: The robotic intelligence known as Omnitron has gone through many iterations. Over hundreds of years, being constantly thwarted has taken it’s toll and Omnitron has now rebuilt itself in human form. What is it about these humans that makes them vastly superior? Omnitron-X aims to find out with the help of his new heroic allies.


The Dreamer: When The Visionary transported herself backwards in time, her first goal was to save the not-yet-born version of herself. After six years, all seemed well until the young Vanessa Long’s powers manifested, in the worst way possible: The young girl's thoughts burst into our reality as tangible monsters, and the shock of her new awareness of the world shut down her body, leaving Vanessa in a coma with her dream projections terrorizing the world.
Kismet: For countless generations, the Adhin family has been blessed with uncanny luck. They believed the source of their good fortune was a small talisman they'd been passing down over the years as a family heirloom. That is, up until Gabrielle Adhin. Within a few years, Gabrielle Adhin, the black sheep of the Adhin line, had carved a swath through reality, playing her mind games on the unsuspecting people around her and taking whatever she wanted.
La Capitan: Maria Helena Teresa Fafila Servanda Jimena Mansuara Paterna Domenga Gelvira Placia Sendina Belita Eufemia Columba Gontina Aldonza Mafalda Cristina Tegrida de Falcon has sailed through the ages, collecting names for herself and a crew from her past, present, and future, all with the same thirst for adventure and greed for the riches of everywhere . . . and everywhen!
Iron Legacy: A single change can ripple outwards to devastating effect. Once our world’s most unimpeachable hero, the death of his daughter has left Paul Parsons with a singular twisted mission - to save the world from itself, even if that means destroying it. He rips through any who oppose him.


Time Catalcysm: Somehow, alternate realities within the Multiverse have collided, and the aftermath has split the space-time continuum itself! The varied realities and timelines pour into each other, only occasionally halted by fixed points in time.This massive Time Cataclysm is the energy that is bringing together so many of these characters in the Multiverse that should never meet. Past, present, and future all mix with dangerous results…
The Block: In need of somewhere to house the worst of the worst, F.I.L.T.E.R created The Block, a time-locked prison of the utmost security. However, there have been reports of disturbances within The Block, and someone should probably go check it out. If there were a full-scale prison riot there, it could spell disaster for every timeline.


Infernal Relics

Infernal Relics

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NightMist: This paranormal detective has exactly the skills the Freedom 5 needed to take on the demon GloomWeaver.
The Argent Adept: The latest Virtuoso of the Void, Anthony Drake uses music and mysticism to hold back the tides of chaos.


GloomWeaver: A towering extra-dimensional demon, GloomWeaver feeds on the despair of mankind.
The Ennead: Think one villain is tough? Try taking on 9 at once! This pantheon of Egyptian gods is a force to be reckoned with.
Apostate: Fanatic’s Nemesis, Apostate draws on his terrible relics to keep the heroes guessing.
Akash’bhuta: More a force of nature than anything else, Akash’bhuta is the spirit of chaos and destruction in nature.


Tomb of Anubis: The perfect place for any team with Ra to once again defeat the Ennead.
Realm of Discord: Pretty much anything can happen in this strange realm. Watch out for distortions!


Rook City

Rook City


Expatriette: This hot-headed mercenary is never without overwhelming firepower. How else do you expect to quickly turn the tide in your favor?
Mr. Fixer: This blind mechanic has tried to stay above the fray, believing that the only way to stay safe is not to fight back. That opinion may be changing...


The Chairman: Graham Pike is not only the CEO of Pike industries, he’s also the shadowy head of “The Organization.” Take out his personal assassin The Operative fast, or you’ll have no chance against this corrupt businessman.
The Matriarch: Lillian Corvus’s mask allows her to control the birds, and also makes her one of the toughest villains across the entire Multiverse.
Plague Rat: Thanks to Pike Industries’ lax safety procedures and even looser ethical standards, the rats of Rook City have changed and grown. One in particular...
Spite: Once a resident of death row at Overbrook Penitentiary, Jack Donovan ended up at Pike Laboratories. His life was spared, but he was forever changed in terrible ways by a series of unsanctioned experiments


Rook City: Corruption abounds, making Rook City one of the most punishing environments for our intrepid heroes.
Pike Industrial Complex: Head into the belly of the beast, filled with rats and vats of chemicals of dubious origins.